Friday, November 12, 2010

Game Watches: Duke

The D.C. Club -- a long stalwart of Game Watches -- has postponed them for this week. I guess they are saving all their energy for the Military Bowl! I know makes it harder for a bar to host and easier to stay home, but I strongly encourage regional clubs to plan for game watches for Thanksgiving weekend and around the potential bowl. Plenty of BC fans are traveling those weekends so they don't have their usual routines and spots. A local game watch can be a good time to connect with BC fans and get a break from the holiday stuff.

Chicago Game Watch
2721 North Halsted Street
Chicago, IL

Denver Game Watch

Big Game Restaurant & Lounge
1631 Wazee St
Denver, CO

New York City Game Watches

354 Third Avenue at 26th Street


SinBinSports said...

Just got to Vertigo...they do NOT have the game

mmason said...

Is Mutt Lynch's in Newport Beach CA doing a gamewatch?